Super Healthy Cookie Recipe (that tastes great too!)
Well, I think I've finally done it! After several attempts, I believe I have finally achieved perfection in a cookie. At least by my...
What is shiny and gray, produced in aging stars and expelled when such stars explode as supernovas, the 9th most abundant element in the...
Going to the Hospital? My Advice: Pack a Cooler From Home! (Part 2)
It would be wonderful if our hospitals would provide more nutrient-rich, healing diets, with more wholesome foods and liquids to help revita
Power Drink
This is my anti-inflammatory, energizing and alkalizing pre-workout drink recipe. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
Start 'em YOUNG! (part 2)
Babies don't demand variety so you don't need to plan elaborate menus. Keep it simple, nutritious and easy to digest. Here's h
Yum Tum, Good Food IS Fun!
As adults, we often struggle with habits we developed earlier in life. What we need is a natural inclination to choose well; what we typical
Know Your Numbers
Nutrition Education is a means to a goal. While a healthy weight is important, being truly healthy goes well beyond the number on your scale
Beyond the Scale
What we need is an intimate connection to what's going on inside for it is there that we find the cumulative effects of our daily choic
Don't Fear HEALTHY Fat!
There is no need to fear healthy fats! In moderation, healthy fats provide a multitude of benefits. For weight loss, healthy fat is a critic
Going to the Hospital? My Advice: Pack a Cooler From Home!
Unless or until our hospitals address and correct the nutritional deficits in the meals provided, you are better off taking control of your